Commanding 官 (CO)

杰里米上尉. "J.R.“希尔,美国海军


CAPT Jeremy Hill is from Star Prairie, Wisconsin. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy and received his commission in 1995. 

他的海上航行包括斯科特号(DDG 995),卡尔号(FFG 52),德约号(dd989),德约号(dd989) CORMORANT (MHC 57), USS BLUE RIDGE (LCC 19), and USS TAYLOR (FFG 50). CAPT Hill completed 2012年11月和9月,他分别指挥“泰勒”号和“波特兰”号巡洋舰(LPD 27) 2018. 

His shore assignments include U.S. 海军战争学院, Chief of Naval Operation’s Strategic 海军作战部长办公室副海基处第二十三研究小组; Assessment Division N81, Executive Assistant to Commander, U.S. SIXTH Fleet, Chief, 需求管理部门关于联合参谋部、部队结构、资源和 评估局,J-8,联合能力部门和两栖作战 Branch Head in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Expeditionary Warfare OPNAV N95. CAPT Hill recently completed his tour as the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Fleet Readiness and 物流, OPNAV N4. 

他完成了国家安全和战略研究的文学硕士学位 海军战争学院. Additionally, he completed a Masters of Systems Analysis and an Executive Masters of Business Administration from Naval Post 研究生 School. 

CAPT Hill’s personal awards and decorations include: the Defense Superior Service 奖章,功绩军团勋章(w/1星),功绩服务奖章(w/3星),海军嘉奖 奖章(w/3星),海军和海军陆战队成就奖章(w/2星),以及各种各样的 服务奖项.

Executive 官 (XO)

CDR David Cordova, USN

CDR Bickle

Commander David Cordova, a native of Belen, New Mexico, enlisted in the U.S. 海军 在加州圣地亚哥新兵训练司令部完成基本训练 Airman Recruit in 1990.  在 his enlisted service, he served as both an 航空 机械师配合海军机组人员和医院医护人员持有NEC作为航空 Physiology Instructor.  Selected for the Enlisted Commissioning Program in 1999, he 获得人体生理学和运动机能学学士学位 科罗拉多大学的海军预备役军官训练团(NROTC) 2001.  He is also a 2009 graduate of the University of South Carolina where he earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in 国际 Finance.  

科尔多瓦指挥官在获得海军飞行军官勋章后被任命为海军飞行军官 2003年的金牌.  His operational flying tours include Patrol Squadron 8 (VP-8) “Fighting Tigers” based out of Naval Air Station Brunswick, Maine.  While at VP-8 serving as 作为一名战斗机组战术协调员和任务指挥官,他完成了三个阿拉伯任务 在海湾、非洲之角和西太平洋的部署,以支持全球战争 反恐和联合援助行动参与印尼海啸人道主义 and disaster relief efforts.  His Operational Department Head tour was with the “Tridents” of Patrol Squadron 26 (VP-26) based out of Jacksonville, Florida.  而在VP-26 他曾担任行政官员,战术官员,指挥官支队 Misawa, Japan and Maintenance 官 completing two deployments to both the U.S. 第五和第七舰队的AOR支援伊拉克自由和内在决心行动.  

Additional operational tours include; Fleet 物流 Support Squadron Fifty (VRC-50) "臭狗"服役期间在库比角海军航空站服役, Philippines and operated from Kadena, Japan and Anderson Air Force Base, Guam.  在 这次旅行,他参加了西太平洋和阿拉伯海湾的三次支持部署 of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm; Catapult and Arresting Gear 官 卡尔文森号航空母舰(CVN 70)上的“射手”号从加州圣迭戈港驶出 在那里他曾担任航空部门燃料部门官员,弹射器和拦阻装置 官 and the “TOP CAT” where he completed two more deployments to the U.S. 5th and 7th Fleet AORs supporting Operations Enduring Freedom and New Dawn; USS Harry 杜鲁门号(CVN 75)作为安全官员,从弗吉尼亚州诺福克港出发, where he deployed to the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet AORs supporting Dynamic Force Employment tasking and Operation Freedom Sentinel. 

科尔多瓦还曾在海外服役于第57特遣部队(CTF-57)。 在巴林的麦纳麦担任现任行动官员和战术行动中心 主管,负责所有联合和盟军海上巡逻和侦察 飞机飞行任务和协调任务直接支持战区和舰队 Commanders during Operations Inherent Resolve and Decisive Shield.  他的彼岸 assignments include; 航空 Survival Training Center, Naval Air Station Barbers 在夏威夷的波因特,他担任航空生理学和水上生存教练; 在南卡罗莱纳大学NROTC单位担任海军科学指导员和空军 Warfare 官; Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida as the Air Operations 官 他在那里管理所有的机场运营,监督耗资9200万美元的跑道重建 曾担任应急行动中心主任和航空安全干事.  2021年8月,他以执行官的身份向杰克逊维尔大学NROTC单位报到 官.

科尔多瓦指挥官在每一个地理上的作战指挥区都进行过操作,记录在案 飞行时间超过3500小时,拥有多项船舶和飞机资格 and instructed at university and military institutions.  His personal decorations 包括功勋奖章(2枚)、海军嘉奖奖章(4枚)、海军功绩奖章 Medal (3) and various other unit and 服务奖项.

Marine 官 Instructor (MOI)

Maj Joseph Butterfield, USMC

MOI_Butterfield主要 Butterfield is from Gulfport, Mississippi. He entered the Marine Corps in May 2009 作为一名海军陆战队预备役人员,并参加了海军陆战队新兵训练站的新兵训练 帕里斯岛. He was commissioned in 2013 through the Marine Corps Platoon Leaders 他在密西西比州立大学(Mississippi State University)获得历史文学学士学位.

从基础学校毕业后,他在军官学校担任战术教练 候补学校等待公共事务资格课程的命令 at the Defense Information School. Upon graduation he reported for duty in November 2015 to III Marine Expeditionary Force, Okinawa, Japan.

在第三MEF期间,他曾担任第一海军陆战队公共事务主任 Aircraft Wing and 3d Marine 物流 Group. He participated in numerous exercises 以及在泰国、尼泊尔、日本、菲律宾等地的交流项目 throughout the Indo-Pacific region.

Maj. Butterfield deployed to Manila, Philippines from Jan – June 2018 where he served 作为国防部所有活动的公共事务联络员 U.S. Embassy in the Philippines.

Maj. 巴特菲尔德之前的职位是通信战略和运营官 with Headquarters Marine Corps, Communication Directorate. 在 his time at HQMC 他曾担任负责安装的副指挥官的通讯战略顾问 & 物流, Plans, 政策, and Operations, and 航空.

Maj. Butterfield currently serves as the Marine 官 Instructor for Naval Reserve 官 Training Corps Unit, Jacksonville University.

他拥有密西西比州立大学(Mississippi State University)的历史学士学位(优等成绩) 利伯缇大学战略传播学研究生学位(优异). 他拥有两个额外的军事职业专业- 0510,基本信息 行动参谋和4505 -沟通策略和行动规划师.

他的个人奖项包括海军嘉奖奖章,海军和海军陆战队的成就 Medal, and the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.

Junior/Senior Advisor电话numbe

LT Paul Whalen, USN


LT Meghan Moloney, USN


LT Luis Duarte Santiago, USN


MSgt Dean Williams, USMC

供应 & 物流

LSC(SW/AW) Camilo J. 山谷,USN


  • Jacksonville University NROTC
  • 2800 University Blvd N
  • Jacksonville, FL 32211
  • 电话号码  (904) 256-7480
  • 传真号码  (904) 256-7499 (Fax)