
摄影 students critiquing color digital 摄影 in an Introductory class


Through hands-on research and learning, you will create diverse photographic portfolios that communicate through your choices of content, composition and craft. 你会 actively investigate a variety of image-making concepts from commercial to lifestyle 美术摄影. 你将掌握摄影实践,这将引导你 为你选择的成功事业干杯.

Career opportunities include: freelance lifestyle photographer, social media photographer, wedding photographer, corporate photographer, medical photographer, commercial product 摄影师,美术摄影师.




Check-in for each audition or portfolio review will be at Terry Concert Hall.

Two 杰克逊维尔大学 dancers embracing on stage under the spotlight


With our emphasis on first-hand experience, you will participate in a wide variety of photographic fields so you can find your place in the photographic 社区 before 你毕业. By sending you out into our large, metropolitan area for group projects, artists in residencies and internships, you will develop a career 网work from day 一个. In turn, upon graduation, you will already have a budding photographic career 符合全球网络赌博平台学科当前的要求.

艺术奖学金 支付教育费用

艺术学院 and 设计 at JU offers 摄影 scholarships based on creative 优点. To be eligible for a scholarship, you must submit a portfolio, check the deadline, 然后遵循提交指南.

摄影的哲学 全球网络赌博平台是从事艺术和生活各个方面的摄影师.

The 摄影 concentration at JU is committed to exposing you to the great diversity 发现于当代摄影领域. 全球网络赌博平台的课程旨在给予 你对各种各样的摄影实践都有独到的见解. 另外,通过实验 with a plethora of processes, you will have the tools to choose the best medium to 表达你的每一个摄影愿景. 通过研究和讨论历史 and contemporary photographers and concepts, you will find your place in the photographic 社区. By continuously working at your craft, you will develop your own unique 摄影的声音. 

摄影 students rinsing prints  in 杰克逊维尔大学’s Black and White analog darkroom.

We are committed to helping you every step of the way in your photographic journey. By choosing a concentration in 摄影, you will become part of a rich, diverse 社区 of image-makers who will support and challenge you to master your craft 通过努力工作. 同样严格地强调概念,你会发现 how your choices of content, composition and craft will enhance your communicative 能力. 你会 be treated as a practicing professional from day 一个, expected to exhibit and work in the field while in school, thus assuring a smooth transition into your career of choice, be it fine art, lifestyle, social media or, more likely, 一条你为自己开辟的独特道路. 

教授 Sheridan in the classroom teaching Alternative Processes 摄影 students how to coat Cyanotype for Sun Prints.

We are proud to be student-centered, with a small student-to-faculty ratio, so that we can work 一个-on-一个 with you to develop your own photographic style. 但是全球网络赌博平台也 require that you share your independent explorations with your peers. 主 value of your college experience is to have ready insights and feedback from your 摄影的同事. 作为一所文科大学,全球网络赌博平台也会创造机会 for you to work collaboratively with the broader JU 社区 as well as greater Jacksonville. 你只会被自己的想象力所限制.

Two students reviewing photographs in Lightroom at an iMac in the digital Lab
Photo students group photograph in the photo lab with our mascot Sol

毕业生档案 专注摄影后的生活


杰西Brantman (@jessebrantman) is a commercial, editorial and lifestyle photographer in Jacksonville. 他专门从事美术肖像创作.




詹•刘易斯 (@jennlewisphoto) is a medical photographer working for the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. 她还拥有自己的生活方式摄影业务.


Photograph of a doctor and nurse performing a surgical procedure at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville





Lori不行! has been making art collaboratively with Kathleen Gerber for over 16years. She constructs meticulously detailed model environments and photographs the results. For the last decade, she found inspiration in their urban surroundings, imagining 一个神秘地没有人类的未来. 她的微型假风景和室内装饰 reflect a love of science fiction and dystopian entertainment (think Blade Runner, Pla网 of the Apes, Logan’s Run), an appreciation for great architecture, and an affinity 哈德逊河画派的杰出画家.



摄影艺术家 & 教授

比尔·戴维斯 is an associate professor of 摄影 and intermedia program at Western 密歇根大学. In 1994, Davis accepted the invitation for a multiple year residency 在捷克共和国的布拉格. 他在可持续发展方面做了广泛的研究和发表 摄影实践. 他目前的摄影作品探讨光污染 看不见黑暗:光与夜的转换.



艺术学院 & 设计提供了其他几个学习项目. 了解更多关于 杰克逊维尔大学提供的课程.
